Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Caroline Hazel Mort

Sunday, June 29th had finally arrived. We were scheduled to go in at 9:00 that night to be induced. We spent the day getting the house in order, playing with the dogs, making sure we had everything packed, and enjoying our time as a family of two because we knew our lives were about to change forever. We left the house about 8:00 so we could make a pit-stop at the Sugar Shack. My final treat before being induced was a silver fox snow cone!! Yummy!! We arrived and got all checked in. Our nurse that night was very helpful and informative. Dr. Bell had ordered a light sleeping pill for me to take at 10:00 plus a pill that they inserted into my cervix to help me thin out. At 2:00 they inserted another pill into my cervix to help me thin some more. At 6:00 the next morning they came in to start the Pitocin to get the show on the road. The nurse checked me only to discover that the pills had done absolutely nothing. I had not thinned or dilated. She was very convinced that the Pitocin would work and I would start progressing. Dr. Bell came in about 7:00 hoping to find me close to delivery only to discover that nothing was happening. He decided to go ahead and break my water because the contractions had picked up quite a bit and I was definitely starting to feel them. He also turned the Pitocin up as high as it would go to see if that would help. He told me he would come back at lunch and check me again. A few hours passed and I was starting to have a lot of pain. The nurse kept offering me pain meds but I was trying really hard to wait it out because I knew it was going to be a long day. She finally asked again and I wanted to know what Dr. Bell thought. She decided to check me so she could call Dr. Bell and give him an update. I was still the same and had not progressed. She came back after talking to Dr. Bell and said he recommended an epidural to see if I relaxed then maybe that would help. I agreed to the epidural. Best thing EVER!!! I highly recommend it for anyone in labor. It instantly started working and I fell right to sleep. Several hours had passed and Dr. Bell had came in hoping I was ready to deliver. He checked me and sadly still  nothing. I was so disappointed and getting very frustrated. Dr. Bell looked at me and told me how he was really expecting me to already be pushing and I was not even close. He then gave me my options. He told me that we could keep going and see what happened or we could go ahead and do a C-section. I told him I trusted his opinion 100% and I wanted to know what he thought. He looked at Chris and I and told us that he did not see me progressing and was afraid that even if we went on that it would end in a c-section anyways, so Chris and I agreed that it was in our best interest to go ahead and go for a C-section. I have never seen a room get so full, so fast in all my life. About 10 nurses came in and it was like a circus. People everywhere. There was a specific nurse just to help Chris get dressed. When Dr. Bell says let's go he literally means let's go!!! Chris was trying to call all of our family that wasn't already at the hospital. We had not called anyone because we knew it was still going to be a while. Within 15 minutes, we were being taken into the operating room. We got to choose our own music to listen to, beautiful pictures on the ceiling to look at, and a whole bunch of nurses. We were ready!! Within a few minutes, Caroline Hazel Mort had arrived. She weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 20in long. She was PERFECT!!!!!! I got to kiss her sweet face and see her for about 15 seconds before she and Chris headed to the nursery. I am very thankful for the wonderful staff at Mercy. I had strict instructions for the nurses to not let anyone see Caroline before I did. So she had all of our family and friends who were there go into our postpartum room and wait so they wouldn't see her before me. I spent about an hour in recovery before they moved me to my room. They had brought Caroline into recovery for me to feed her and snuggle with her before taking her back to the nursery for her bath. Once I was in my room, the nurse and Chris finally got to bring Caroline in. I loved being there to see everyone's faces when they saw her for the first time. It was a very special moment and I would not have wanted it to go any other way. Up until the very end, my pregnancy was perfect. I could not have asked for a better 9 months and am so thankful of how it went. We may have ended up having a C-section but I had the best doctor and I know it went exactly how it was supposed to. We are now 4 weeks out and I feel great. My recovery has been very easy and we have a beautiful baby girl to show for it. We thank God everyday for such a blessing.

                                                    Daddy was ready to meet his baby girl

                                                        Last photo before we become parents

(No Cameras allowed in the OR but the Anesthesiologist told Chris
he could sneak his phone out for a quick picture)
Seeing my baby girl for the very first time.  
see my Tongue
holding onto Daddy's finger
Don't worry, I broke the thumb habit real quick!!!
bright eyed!
Daddy's girl since Day 1
Dr. Bell is the BEST!!!!
Headed Home

The Last Few Weeks....

It has been a while since I have updated and I'm sure you can only imagine why. A little blue-eyed baby girl has kept me pretty occupied. Caroline Hazel Mort finally made her entrance into the world on Monday, June 30th, 2014. I'm not sure she was quite ready to come out but I sure was ready. I am going to back track a little and fill you in on the past few weeks. It all started on June 20th when I went for a weekly checkup. My mom had went with me because it was an early morning appointment and Chris needed to work that day. My nurse came in as always and checked my blood pressure, at first she said she could not hear it very well and wanted to do the other arm. She then took it three more times on my right arm. I knew by the look on her face that something was wrong. She told me to lay down on my left side immediately and take some deep breaths. I asked what was wrong and she said my BP was extremely high and she was going to find Dr. Bell. Of course, he was in a C-section that had turned into a full hysterectomy. After about an hour of laying down my BP finally came down a little bit. Meanwhile, Dr. Bell had finally came in. He was very concerned with how high my BP was but did not think Caroline was ready to come. He then said the two words that I prayed I would never hear.... BED REST! I was devastated. I begged and pleaded to  not have to be on complete bed rest. I promised that I would rest all weekend if I could please return to work on Monday, but he said that was not an option. So I began the dreaded journey of bed rest. Luckily it was only for a few weeks because I almost went crazy. I couldn't sleep because of everything on my mind so I pretty much ate, watched TV, looked at Facebook and Pinterest and did a whole lot of CRYING! I was an emotional wreck and the days passed by soooo slowly! Dr Bell wanted to see me back the following Monday for another checkup. Over the weekend I just knew that I had made some progression and that he would schedule an induction on Monday. Monday finally came and I was so excited to get out of the house even if it was just for an appointment. Chris took off work and we went early that morning. Once again I ended up being very disappointed as I had not progressed at all and he wanted to see me back on Thursday. So back on bed rest I went. We had a late afternoon appointment on Thursday so I was prepared for a long wait. When we got called back, the nurse informed me that I would be doing a stress test to make sure the baby's heart rate would stay up if she moved. We passed the stress test with flying colors. WhooHoo! Then comes the BP check, once again my BP was sky high. I laid on my left side for over an hour and this time it wasn't coming down. Dr. Bell came in and said he thought it was time to have a baby. He had his nurse call downstairs to see if they could get me in that night. I was finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel only to be once again disappointed when Kathy came in to tell me they were completely full downstairs. We discussed our options with Dr. Bell and decided to be put in on Sunday night (June 29th) to be induced. We finally had a date and knew that Caroline would be here by Monday if not before. We were both very excited but the nerves had also finally set in!